Monday, May 3, 2010

Styling in the VI

For those who know me well, you also know that I am fashion-challenged. I wear and sport what is comfortable and as long as the threads haven't completely fallen apart, they will remain in the rotation until I either lose them or they mysteriously disappear to my girlfriend's delight.

So I shouldn't make fun of how people dress here and the funny styles that stick out to me. But in dedication to all the extravagant outfits I saw on TV during the Kentucky Derby this weekend, I felt it was the right time to show you, the reader, what is popular around these parts.

First of all, JHORTS (jean shorts) reign supreme here. I found that out the first week I moved here and Dickie's is the go-to brand. Older men wear them long and high school students sport them as part of their school uniforms (all VI students, private or public, are required to wear uniforms to school each day).

I will not abide by the JHORTS fashion trend here. No sir.

All the young men have both their ears pierced. Instead of the traditional hoop or a silver ball, they love to sports little cursive words. I sneaked this picture during Carnival and got a nasty stare after the unassuming teenager heard the camera flash.

He didn't punch me but his defense was up and I was never able to get close enough to make out what the ear jewelry said.

Now, of course I understand that kids like to do things different. I had my ear pierced all through high school and I even had my eye brow pierced when I was a freshman in college (Yeah, I was that guy).

But it just goes to show you that style is universal. It's also different depending on where you are in the world.

It reminded me of a retarded VH1 show I caught this weekend about how Jessica Simpson travels the world, tries to keep the weight off, and asks the question, "What is beautiful to you?" to different foreign cultures.

While I gawk at the different trends here, I really can't compare them to what is going on stateside. Or in China, where half the world resides.

Remember Starter jackets? Those things were awesome.


  1. It says Shyheim, which could be his name or an ode to the rapper

  2. Dude, wait! I once had jhorts, a starter jacket, and still have my ears pierced...
